Sunday, 17 April 2016


Have you ever wondered, whats the purpose of life?

The age-old question of "What is the purpose of life?" is one that has plagued humanity since the dawn of time. For many of us, this question surfaces in moments of introspection, such as during a solo trip to a tranquil location, when the beauty of nature is in full display. For others, the question may arise while reflecting on their current circumstances or relationships with others.

As individuals, our understanding of the purpose of life is likely to vary greatly. Some may find fulfillment in the pursuit of personal goals, while others may find meaning in their relationships with others. For many, happiness and contentment may be found in the simple pleasures of spending time with loved ones or engaging in a favorite hobby.

But when we take a step back and ponder on the question from a broader perspective, the purpose of life may be found in the very nature of existence itself. Life is an adventure, and we are but mere players in the grand scheme of things. The unpredictability of each day and the constant evolution of our surroundings serve as a reminder that life is precious and ever-changing.

One film that beautifully illustrates this idea is "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." Through the protagonist's journey, the viewer is reminded that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, and that adventure and self-discovery are integral parts of the human experience.

As I reflect on my own experiences, I am reminded of a family trip to Europe where, during an early morning walk, I ventured 9km into the woods and got lost. The real adventure began. It was like "Into the Woods" with no phone, no money, and nothing but my wits to rely on. I sat down on a tree bark, and started smiling (yes, when I'm in deep shit, I smile. I know it's weird).

I tried tracing back my path, but nothing seemed familiar. I even climbed a tree to get a better view, but the tree was so tall that I couldn't reach the top. Suddenly, I found myself reciting Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken":

"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth."

I spent an hour trying to retrace my steps, but it only made my situation worse. That's when Lou (like a god, I might add) came to my rescue. A 67-year-old man, he lived nearby and knew the woods like the back of his hand. I explained my predicament to him, and he informed me that I had been heading in the opposite direction and was now on the edge of a lake. He lent me his bicycle and told me to go all the way around the woods, another 30 miles.

It was during this journey that I realized what life was truly about. It's not about following the usual routine of going to school, college, getting married, and raising kids. It's about facing challenges in a different way, sharing happiness, and ultimately, living each day as if it were your last.

"To see the world, things dangerous to come to,
to see behind walls, draw closer,
to find each other, and to feel.
That is the purpose of life."

The adventure in the woods was a turning point for me, it not only reminded me to live in the moment but also to embrace the unexpected and the unknown, because in the end, that's what makes life worth living...xD 
thank you


  1. Good message with your new blog. .
    All the best. .keep posting new messages and invite all your friends. ..

    Best of luck. .

    Dad. .

  2. Good message with your new blog. .
    All the best. .keep posting new messages and invite all your friends. ..

    Best of luck. .

    Dad. .

  3. Superb one dude...write more..

  4. Worthy information ..... Continue the same

  5. keep doing dude.....

  6. Prajith.
    It's was really good!!
    Well done!!
    Do continue it!!
    All the best!!
    Cheers 🍺🍻

  7. Superb one dude...write more.
    keep doing dude.....
    nice.Worthy information .....

  8. en alavuku illa paravalam
